An environmental filter: The main material used in this building is hardwood timber, making use of the natural materials as well as blending into the landscape around it. The living room is insulated as a thought ahead towards winter conditions.
A container for human activities: The house is designed for the simplicity of basic human activities - to eat, sleep, bathe, read and relax with a small enclosed floor plan.
A delightful experience: The minimalist aspect of this house emphasizes its simplicity. Narrow open walkways overlook the garden side still utilizing the main views this house has.
An environmental filter: Works in harmony with the environment around it, using the slope of the hillside rather than going against it. It benefits from natural lighting in the South as well as natural ventilation with its placement in the landscape.
A container for human activities: Each level in the house is utilized for a different room and the outdoor steps become extensions of the indoor ones.
A delightful experience: By using the gradient of the hill, the house blends naturally into its surroundings, while offering views of the landscape around it.
Dunbar, Stradbroke Island
An environmental filter: Makes use of the existing climatic features of Stradbroke Island. There is a lot of natural light and ventilation from all open spaces, with three screened openings in the house. The folding shutters as well as the pavilions connecting to the courtyard allow for air flow throughout the house.
A container for human activities: The open plan of the house helps blend between casual and formal activities for guests and hosts alike. However, with the folding walls and shutters, there is still a clear distinction between the public and private spaces in the house. The passageways and rooms are wide, opening up the spaces in the house not merely for the purpose of continuing the open plan, but also to accommodate other activities.
A delightful experience: The courtyards are the main attractions in the house that pose as a space for meditation and reflection. The screens as well as the pebble finished transition garden are inspired by Eastern architecture and help bring out the calmer elements in the house. The cut-away gable of the main roof frames the sky adding to the views that can be experienced from all areas in the house. The key to this house is its freedom and ability to breathe.